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  • Writer's pictureRyan Woodham

The Fix-and-Flip Formula: Calculating Your Next Big Win!

Fix-and-flip real estate investing can be incredibly lucrative, but it also requires a sharp eye for detail, a solid understanding of market dynamics, and the ability to accurately evaluate potential returns. In this article, we'll walk you through the key steps to analyze, evaluate, and calculate the potential return on a fix-and-flip deal, helping you make informed decisions and maximize your profits.

Step 1: Finding the Right Property

Before you dive into the numbers, it's essential to find the right property. The best fix-and-flip deals often require a property that is undervalued due to cosmetic or structural issues that can be repaired or renovated to increase its market value. Look for properties in neighborhoods with strong demand, appreciating values, and easy access to amenities.

Key Factors to Consider:

  • Location: Is the property in an area with a high demand for housing?

  • Condition: What level of repair or renovation is required?

  • Market Trends: Are property values in the area trending upward?

Step 2: Estimating the After Repair Value (ARV)

The After Repair Value (ARV) is the estimated market value of the property after all the necessary repairs and renovations have been completed. Determining an accurate ARV is crucial as it will help you understand the potential profit margin on the deal.

How to Estimate ARV:

  • Comparable Sales (Comps): Research recently sold properties in the same area that are similar in size, condition, and features.

  • Real Estate Agents: Consult with local real estate agents who can provide insights into current market conditions and potential selling prices.

  • Online Tools: Use online tools and platforms like Zillow, Redfin, or to gather data on comparable properties.

Step 3: Calculating the Repair Costs

Accurately estimating the cost of repairs is another critical step. Underestimating these costs can severely impact your profit margins. Create a detailed scope of work and get quotes from contractors for the required renovations.

Tips for Estimating Repair Costs:

  • Create a Detailed Budget: Include everything from materials and labor to permits and unexpected contingencies.

  • Get Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from several contractors to ensure you’re getting a fair price.

  • Plan for Contingencies: Always include a buffer (typically 10-20%) for unforeseen expenses.

Step 4: Determining the Purchase Price

The purchase price should be calculated by considering the ARV, estimated repair costs, and your desired profit margin. A common formula used by investors is the 70% rule, which states that you should pay no more than 70% of the ARV minus the repair costs.

70% Rule Formula: Maximum Purchase Price = (ARV×70%)−Estimated Repair Costs

For example, if the ARV of a property is $300,000 and the estimated repair costs are $50,000, the maximum purchase price you should pay is: (300,000×0.70) − 50,000 = 210,000 − 50,000 = 160,000

Step 5: Calculating the Potential Return on Investment (ROI)

Once you have all the key figures—ARV, repair costs, and purchase price—you can calculate the potential return on investment (ROI). This will give you an idea of how much profit you can expect from the deal.

ROI Formula: ROI=(Net Profit/Total Investment)×100


  • Net Profit: The difference between the sale price (ARV) and the total cost (purchase price + repair costs + other expenses like closing costs, holding costs, etc.).

  • Total Investment: The total amount of money you’ve invested in the property.

For example, if the ARV is $300,000, the total cost is $240,000 (including purchase, repairs, and other expenses), and you sell the property for $300,000, your net profit would be $60,000. The ROI would be: (60,000/240,000)×100=25%

Step 6: Evaluating the Market and Timing

Market conditions and timing play a significant role in the success of a fix-and-flip deal. Selling in a hot market can lead to faster sales and higher prices, while a slow market might result in extended holding periods and lower returns.

Market and Timing Considerations:

  • Seasonality: Some times of the year are better for selling than others.

  • Economic Factors: Interest rates, employment rates, and other economic factors can impact buyer demand.

  • Local Trends: Be aware of any local developments, such as new businesses or infrastructure projects, that could affect property values.

Step 7: Financing the Deal

Securing the right financing is crucial. Hard money loans are a popular choice for fix-and-flip investors because they offer quick access to funds, though they typically come with higher interest rates.

Financing Options:

  • Hard Money Loans: Short-term loans that are easier to obtain but come with higher interest rates.

  • Private Lenders: Individuals or groups that lend money based on the property's value.

  • Traditional Mortgages: Usually harder to obtain for fix-and-flip deals due to the short-term nature of the investment.

Final Thoughts

Fix-and-flip investing can offer substantial returns, but it requires careful analysis and a clear understanding of the financial aspects involved. By following these steps—finding the right property, estimating ARV and repair costs, calculating ROI, and securing appropriate financing—you can increase your chances of success.

At Unlocked Capital, we specialize in helping investors like you secure the financing you need to bring your fix-and-flip projects to life. We have lenders of all 3 types listed above ready to help finance your next deal! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, we can help you find the right loan to maximize your returns. Reach out today to see how we can assist with your next investment!

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