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  • Writer's pictureRyan Woodham

6 Proven and Popular Ways to Invest in Real Estate

When it comes to building wealth through real estate, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy. Investors have various goals, financial situations, and market conditions to consider. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just getting started, understanding the different strategies available can help you make informed decisions and grow your portfolio effectively. Let’s explore some popular real estate investing strategies and how Unlocked Capital can help you unlock your investment potential.

1. Fix-and-Flip

Overview: Fix-and-flip involves purchasing a distressed property, renovating it, and selling it for a profit. It’s a popular strategy for those who prefer short-term investments and are willing to manage renovation projects.

Why It Works: In a market with rising property values, the potential for high returns is significant. Plus, with the right skills and team, you can turn around properties and realize your gains quickly.

Biggest Challenges: The fix-and-flip strategy can be risky due to unpredictable renovation costs, market fluctuations, and the potential for properties to take longer to sell than expected. Holding costs, such as loan payments, taxes, and utilities, can eat into profits if the project drags on.

How Unlocked Capital Can Help: We provide flexible financing options to cover both the purchase and renovation costs, allowing you to focus on the project without worrying about cash flow.

2. Buy and Hold (Rental Properties)

Overview: This strategy involves buying properties and renting them out for a steady income stream. It’s ideal for investors looking for long-term wealth accumulation and passive income.

Why It Works: Rental properties can provide consistent cash flow and the potential for property appreciation over time. Additionally, you can benefit from tax advantages and hedge against inflation.

Biggest Challenges: Managing rental properties can be time-consuming and costly, especially if dealing with tenant turnover, maintenance issues, or unexpected vacancies. Moreover, market downturns can impact property values and rental income. Find a trustworthy Property manager!

How Unlocked Capital Can Help: We offer competitive loan products specifically designed to help you acquire and hold rental properties at scale without having to qualify with your income. These loan products don't have a limit to how many times you can use them and are based on the income of the property (rent) and not your personal DTI like conventional financing.

3. BRRRR (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat)

Overview: The BRRRR method is a combination of flipping and renting. You buy a distressed property, rehab it, rent it out, refinance to pull out your initial investment, and then repeat the process with a new property.

Why It Works: BRRRR is a powerful way to build a portfolio with minimal initial capital. By recycling your investment, you can grow your holdings without tying up large amounts of cash.

Biggest Challenges: The BRRRR strategy requires significant upfront work and expertise, including accurate property valuation, renovation oversight, and tenant management. It also depends on favorable lending terms and a stable rental market to execute the refinance successfully.

How Unlocked Capital Can Help: We specialize in providing financing for every stage of the BRRRR process, ensuring you have the funds you need to expand your portfolio quickly and efficiently. We even have access to BRRRR specific loan products that don't require seasoning to refinance the property!

4. Wholesaling

Overview: Wholesaling involves finding deeply discounted properties and assigning the contract to another buyer for a fee. It’s a low-risk, quick-turnaround strategy that doesn’t require a large capital investment.

Why It Works: Wholesaling is ideal for investors looking to make money without holding or renovating properties. It’s all about finding deals and connecting buyers with sellers.

Biggest Challenges: There have been recent changes across the country in the state laws regarding wholesaling and I would recommend seeking professional legal counsel before trying this strategy if you are new. Wholesaling can be challenging in competitive markets where finding deeply discounted properties is difficult. It also requires strong negotiation skills and a reliable network of buyers to succeed consistently.

How Unlocked Capital Can Help: While wholesaling typically requires less capital, having access to quick funding can make you more competitive in securing contracts. We can help with short-term financing to lock in deals when timing is critical.

5. Real Estate Syndication

Overview: Real estate syndication allows investors to pool their resources to invest in larger properties, like commercial buildings or multi-family units. This strategy provides access to high-value assets with shared risk and responsibility.

Why It Works: Syndication enables investors to diversify their portfolio and gain exposure to larger, often more stable investments without the burden of solo ownership.

Biggest Challenges: Syndication requires strong partnerships, clear agreements, and a comprehensive understanding of the market and property management. It also involves sharing profits and decision-making with other investors, which can complicate the process.

How Unlocked Capital Can Help: We offer tailored financing solutions to support syndication deals, helping you and your partners leverage your capital effectively to achieve greater returns.

6. House Hacking

Overview: House hacking involves buying a multi-unit property, living in one unit, and renting out the others. This strategy allows you to offset your living expenses while building equity.

Why It Works: House hacking is a great way to start investing in real estate with minimal risk. You benefit from rental income while also building equity in your home. This is the first strategy we recommend to investors that want to get started in real estate.

Biggest Challenges: Managing tenants in close proximity can be challenging, especially if you’re new to property management. You also need to find the right property that fits your personal living needs and investment goals.

How Unlocked Capital Can Help: We provide specialized loans for multi-unit properties, making it easier for you to purchase a property that can generate income while serving as your primary residence.


No matter which strategy you choose, having the right financing partner can make all the difference. At Unlocked Capital, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities in real estate investing. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the resources and support you need to succeed, whether you’re looking to flip a property, build a rental portfolio, or explore more advanced strategies like syndication.

Ready to Unlock Your Potential?

Contact Unlocked Capital today to discuss how we can help you finance your next real estate investment. With our expertise and flexible financing options, your investment journey is just beginning!

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